Friday, December 6, 2013

Frustrated With Growing Up?


Make it a Good Day!
At my Grandfathers house-
the saying goes
a Good Day.
Good days don't just happen.
It is a choice,
and an effort.
 - Watch this video - it can change your life!
really exploded my heart!
We are all here together,
in this life....doing all we can
"in the day to day trenches"
"Have a nice day!" 
"The most obvious and important realities
 are often the ones
 that are the hardest to see and talk about"   
and ....*choices...can have "a life or death importance". 

define *CHOOSE:
                to select freely and after consideration

CHOOSE to Make it "a nice day!"

1 comment:

Attic Clutter said...

oh cute..
love the name of your blog too..

on marriage

'Will you, um, marry me?' I haven't seen you in weeks! You don't look happy or excited about the prospect of our marriage! You're asking me to give up my - my freedom, my joie de vivre for an institution that fails as often as it succeeds? And why should I marry you anyway? I mean, why do you wanna marry me? Besides some bourgeois desire to fulfill an ideal that society embeds in us from an early age to promote a consumer capitalist agenda?
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