Thursday, April 30, 2009

Last evening, Wednesday....My brother and sister in law's grandson, age 14 [my son's age], fell from a ladder while fixing a basketball hoop. He was convulsing and vomiting and unconscious. By ambulance he was taken to the hospital.
here we we go...

taking the pictures.... :( ... first underwater camera for us!]
...we got back our snorkeling pictures....YEAH....i will
try to post some of the fish we saw
later today.
Our youngest is being
baptized on Saturday.
We are excited and
I will share some photos next week!!! the way...i am DONE
with my Language class....YEAH!!!
i have a paper due, a final,
and some scholarship applications to turn in.
I am also trying to get food
and home ready for Saturday...
while doing all the normal day to day
items with our four children... :)
here i i go.
be back soon :)
Monday, April 27, 2009
Monday Mutterings

Daily WOOL: Committed to Make a Stand
"So where should each of us make our stand? As we demonstrate our devotion to God by our daily acts of righteousness, He can know where we stand. For all of us this life is a time of sifting and refining.
We all face trials. Individual members in the early days of the Church were tested and refined when they had to decide if they had the faith, … to put their belongings in a wagon or a pioneer handcart and travel across the American plains. Some did not have the faith.
Those who did traveled ‘with faith in every footstep.’
In our time we are going through an increasingly difficult time of refining and testing. The tests are more subtle because the lines between good and evil are being eroded.
Very little seems to be sacred in any of our public communication. In this environment we will need to make sure where we stand all of the time in our commitment to eternal truths and covenants."
- James E. Faust,
"Where Do I Make My Stand?"
Ensign (CR), November 2004, p.18
This was in my email today...
I just felt that it was inspiring for each of us
in our individual lives and trials,
our inner struggles,
the tragedies that we face,
and the sometimes treacherous choices
that bring us weeping on our knees.
I know that I have been there, and recently. This brought me some perspective, and fortitude.
I hope that you find some peace in it as well. Thanks for reading!
I will soon have the time to come by and catch up with you all. I am almost done with my finals.
Thanks for hanging in there with me.
I promise some fun Monday Mumblings,
Tastless Tuesday...yes, I made it up,
Wordless Wednesday/Way Back Whensday......
Tell it Thursday...Thankful Thursday....
Freaky Friday....
A week ahead...and if I can get this homework done I will be right on top of it for you, and come by. Hope you are all well. ♥
I was quite happy to be back in the US. I love foreign travel
for the diversity of life, and lovely people to meet and places to
explore, but I knew I was headed home to my kids. YEAH.
I thought the picture went well with Committed to Make a Stand...
why not be committed to fly above the clouds, on your own quest
to be your personal best....just a thought.
The second picture is from our Road Trip,
and visit to Queen Elizabeths Botanical Gardens.
Cayman experienced devistation during Hurricane Ivan.
Much of it was
greatly destroyed,
and many suffered terribly.
Look closely at this is down, the roots pulled out of the ground.
But somehow a small branch decided to grow strong.
And there it is, a beautiful new life, from one that seemed
to have been taken in tragedy.
I think we all have a little branch in us
that fights to be strong, faithful,
and do it's very best...
a lot can come of our tragedies,
as we strive to just
do our best.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Road Trip: Queen Elizabeths Botanical Gardens

Road a "trip" Cayman Style.
And then we add Brian.
First of all, no stop lights,
no stop signs...only stop for pictures...
Notice Brian is on the right side of the car.
And from the WRONG side of the car
you drive on the WRONG side of the street.
Brian is ALWAYS looking for trouble,
most of you probably don't know this about him.
We are in the Cayman,
at a resort,
snorkeling and beaches at our fingertips.
He decides we should go history hunting,
meets some real locals,
out in the say...
Rent a car,
a bit of lessons in the parking lot,
unofficial lessons,
smiling hostess saying, you'll be okay...
no worries.
Mind you, this is AFTER taking busses
all over town the day before,
"no bus stops, just walk along,
people will honk and you wave and they will pick you up,
take you anywhere"
No Problem...
Oh...and a bus looks like a FUN BUS,
Scooby Bus style....pile in.
like the one in the picture wizzing past Brian below...
we hadn't figured out the speed limits yet.

Notice the white knuckles [below]...
no problem...
no one told us that you convert to kilometers
so we are driving really slow.
when it says go 100
no wonder many locals were passing us.
if you have a yellow license plate you are a local
a white license plate you are a tourist...
they really have some things figured out.

They have a butterfly garden in Cayman.
We didn't make it there. But I imagine....ahhhh.

There is a lot of wreckage from Hurricane Ivan in 2004.
Some of these old trees are down, yet growing...
you can see the roots completely out below.


these are so beautiful. many many on the island.
people line their walks with them,
along with crushed shells,
which make a sound to walk along,
like a doorbell.
yep, didn't see many doorbells,
no stoplights,
no stopsigns,
just Giveways...
which means to give way to the person coming your way
Brian and I ate some Konch at a small diner
overlooking the ocean
during our road trip.
It is very yummy.
those pictures later...sunset dinner, very nice!