Well, almost.
Usually our Wednesday nights are reserved for Date Night, and if that were the case tonight I wouldn't be home typing about it, now would I. So....what am I doing???
I am getting ready for my last event of this Wednesday...a Relief Society Presidency meeting, which will begin in about 20 minutes.
I haven't done Wednesday Whoooaaahs for a LONG time and thought I would humor myself by reflecting on the days events. Here goes:
5:30am - up, shower, read chapter in Psychology book
7 am - Breakfast with kids and hubby
7:30 - Hubby takes oldest child to Junior High
7:55 - shoes on, homework's in hands, lunches packed and kids out the door
8:20 - fill up with Gas, wash car
9 am - Hubby getting Taxes together,
me reading for Language in Society class
10:45 - quick pre-lunch
Noon - Tax appointment
12:45 - leave taxman for language teacher....wait, not what it sounds like...
1 - 2:20 - class on campus
2:50 - pick up oldest child from Junior High
3:10 - pick up kids from school
4 pm - Piano and Guitar Lessons every half hour dropping off and picking someone up....until 6 pm
6 pm - New Beginnings for Young Womens
6:30 - Middle child to scouts
7 pm - Oldest Child to Junior Jazz Player Appearance Event
8 pm - kids dropped off to Aunt to spend the night
[DATE NIGHT, without the date tonight.....sadly]
...oops, forgot middle child at scouts, lucky me, aunt was able to help out here.. Thank goodness for her goodness.
8:15....leave for meeting...wait, that's now.
And.....looking forward to a date, hopefully, tomorrow night. In the meantime below is my Wordless Wednesday....just happened to be our Anniversary from a few years back....the kids cooked, served, and cleaned up a candlelight dinner for hubby and me.
It is one of my MOST FAVORITE memories.
Aren't they adorable. The kids, not us. ...later gater...

on to celebrate our 16th anniversary later this month....whaahoo
You had QUITE the day!! Hopefully you and hubby can sneak away for a date tomorrow night!!
Yes, the kids are adorable.
You sure got up early. Is it like that every day?
you are packing a ton in there woman!!!!
hopefully you'll get some time
What a busy day --
hope it gets better!
You have date night every WEdnesday?!! Good for you! That rocks! We try to get out once a month.
p.s. Happy Anniversary
Does your husband know about your romantic encounters with the taxman AND the language teacher?
Wow! I don't know how you do it all. And here I am exhausted from my day! Just don't forget to breathe in between all of that (I tend to forget that minor detail).
the kids are adorable, but it look like, after seeing their parents, they come by it quite naturally. Happy Anniversary. We just celebrated 41.
I'm tired just reading that. Busy day! And the kids are adorable.
What a day! I hope you get that date night soon- you deserve it :)
Busy day! I remember all the running around I had to do when my daughter was into everything! I only had one! The pictures of ALL of you are precious!
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