We were in Yellowstone for a vacation
a few summers ago.
Son #3, the baby, at 4 years old
got SO tired he couldn't walk
any further.
His brother, age 6, Son #2
carried him the rest of the way...
Thanks for being my blogger friends!!!,
and carrying me through the tough times.
I love your laughs, your smiles, your friendship!
a few summers ago.
Son #3, the baby, at 4 years old
got SO tired he couldn't walk
any further.
His brother, age 6, Son #2
carried him the rest of the way...
Thanks for being my blogger friends!!!,
and carrying me through the tough times.
I love your laughs, your smiles, your friendship!
Sometimes we come upon a situation or a person who needs to be lifted up and carried for a bit. It may be a family member, a loved one, a friend, or it might even be a stranger. But, whoever it is, somewhere deep down in our heart and soul we know we want to reach out to them. At the same time, our minds may be telling us it is not our problem; they created their own problem, and there will be no gratitude or reward . . . but our hearts continue to reach out.
It is during these situations that we have to go with our hearts. We don't know if our reaching out will create a permanent solution for them, nor do we know how they will handle the outcome. We just have to reach out, lift up and share their load. In doing this we will gain the extra strength we need. The load will not be heavy, and if we can give them comfort or make even the slightest difference in their life, that alone should be our reward.
He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother
by Neil Diamond
click here to listen to the song and read the lyrics

It is during these situations that we have to go with our hearts. We don't know if our reaching out will create a permanent solution for them, nor do we know how they will handle the outcome. We just have to reach out, lift up and share their load. In doing this we will gain the extra strength we need. The load will not be heavy, and if we can give them comfort or make even the slightest difference in their life, that alone should be our reward.
He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother
by Neil Diamond
click here to listen to the song and read the lyrics

LOVE THE PICTURE! Hope you are having a good day! ♥ Hugs ♥
they fight and argue and seem to dislike each other and then they turn around and show the kindest most loving gestures. children have the most honest beautiful souls. God Bless them!!!
yup, so true!! And to think we learned it from our kids.... likely source
What a cute picture and it is so true we are always there to help each other. Great post. I will definitely be back.
We just never know what trials people are going through. Even when we see smiles and happy faces they could be really going through hard things. That thought right there is what helps me always want to be kind to everyone no matter what. I hope you are having a beautiful Sabbath Day and that you aren't going through any "major" things right now. If you are I'm so sorry and hope you can find peace and comfort through the Savior.
This was so sweet. I hope you blew that picture up and framed it and hung it in your son's bedroom as a reminder...hopefully, your kids still have that close relationship!
And thanks for the buck up reminder. Every once in a while, I wonder who really cares about my problems, and then I remember I have a horde of virtual friends that are always supportive of whatever anybody is going through. Have a good day and God Bless!
What sweet kids!
I will be facing the situation you describe tomorrow with a sister who is partly estranged from the family. It's going to be awkward but I hope I get a chance to help her in more ways than just cleaning her house.
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