I decided to take part in FlaSH FIctiOn FriDAY!!! I got this from
Shadow, who always writes something most, you have to write something that is only 55 words...and my twist on it is to share something funny...yet scary at the same decide what you think of it. 55 word limit to share this with story is not fiction however, it is also FLASH BACK FRIDAY. So I am not flashing you, flashing back to a VERY FUNNY moment with one of my children, in 55 words!!! Enjoy. ANd HAPPY FRIDAY THE 13TH!!!
WHAT! I hear my son, seven
talking to my neice, also seven
to get a hug all you have to do
chase them and hold them down
Hello, my sister will kill me
who RAISES such a child
how am I going to fix this one
can my son ever talk to his cousin again???
on marriage
'Will you, um, marry me?' I haven't seen you in weeks! You don't look happy or excited about the prospect of our marriage! You're asking me to give up my - my freedom, my joie de vivre for an institution that fails as often as it succeeds? And why should I marry you anyway? I mean, why do you wanna marry me? Besides some bourgeois desire to fulfill an ideal that society embeds in us from an early age to promote a consumer capitalist agenda?
heee heeee heeee, this is brilliant, thanks for the giggle. and thanks for joining the 55's. how cool!
lol, to make you feel better, I kissed my cousin during a truth for dare when I was little.
now, you know what is the matter with me... ;0)
LOL! Happy Friday! Hope your day is as beautiful as you are my precious friend! Come over and enter my last 100th post giveaway that end today!
♥ Hugs :)
heehee. He can get away with that because he is 7. But I'd let him know that it might not be the best strategy.
If only it were still acceptable to kiss someone after you catch them. I miss the days of kissing tag...
ooh girl...
that is fuuunny & clever!
Remind me next time we talk that I am never speaking to you again.
hey suzie, next time you call me I will remind you...he he...has she chased down any boys yet.
Heather, yes we are not really celebrating his activities...however we are laughing at how he is experiencing the world around him. Kids don't say things in the way adults take them. Their innocence is what makes it tolerable. And something to just smile at...and then watch for teaching opportunities. He is so innocent and cute, and discovering his world.
I loved watching Charlie Brown Valentine with him. He said, "oh, I know just how he feels." About the girl with the red hair. THen my little guy took a big red valentine to his girl...told her not to open it till she got home...then he ran away. He told me that he covered it in hearts. But he totally got it from the cartoon, and trying to understand his feelings.
Hey Shadow...yes FINALLY. I have been meaning to get to 55 forEVER.
Devri...totally makes me feel better...he he
Shauna...hugs...yes a beautiful day. miss you.
Merrianne, love that you are reading....thanks for the comments. Great blog you have. I must come by more often....all of you...
barbaloot...thanks, i miss kissing tag too...maybe I will play that with Mr. B later on...
finally, SUZIE again....kid, they say and do the darndest things. Soon I will be posting the pictures of him talking to sweet, and cute little faces he made while listening to her. Love these kids.
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